The Travel Quality


About Us

TQ - Travel Quality was founded in 1982 and it boasts a team of highly qualified, experienced professionals in the field of travel consultancy, using the most advanced travel management technology.

Accuracy, efficiency, quality and transparency of service are the main values that we guarantee to our customers.

We ensure advice on the best solutions and follow-up before, during and after trips and we are particularly geared towards providing services to companies.

We act as consultants in the management and organisation of business trips, groups and incentives, meetings, congresses and also in the personal trips of their staff and employees.


TQ Travel Quality has Go4Travel as a partner, which is divided into a shareholder body of 44 Travel Agencies, which together have 100 sales branches which geographically cover the entire Portuguese mainland, the Azores and Madeira, boasting a team of 714 qualified professionals. All its agencies are accredited by IATA, holding a total of 66 accreditations.

Go4travel is currently the largest travel and tourism group in Portugal, affording it unique market conditions and accordingly the best offer to its customers.

+351 213 600 180

Apoio ao cliente em Portugal / Estrangeiro

O custo desta chamada é suportado pelo cliente, de acordo com o contrato entre cliente e o respectivo fornecedor de comunicações.

Horário de Atendimento:
Dias úteis das 09h30m às 13h00m e das 14h00m às 18h00m.

No mundo de hoje, é fácil viajar, mas nem sempre é fácil torná-la uma experiência única.

Na TQ Travel Quality, somos especialistas em criar viagens personalizadas e adaptadas especificamente para si.

Para conseguir isso, precisamos de algumas informações que nos ajudem a criar essa viagem especial. Deixe-nos ajudá-lo a planear a viagem perfeita.

Preencha o seguinte formulário:

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+351 213 600 180

Customer support in Portugal / Abroad

The cost of this call is supported by the customer, in accordance with the contractbetween the customer and the respective communications provider.

Service Hours:
Weekdays from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

In today's world, it's easy to travel, but it's not always easy to make it a unique experience.

At TQ Travel Quality, we specialize in creating personalized trips tailored specifically to you.

To achieve this, we need some information to help us create this special trip. Let us help you plan the perfect trip.

Fill in the following form:

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Stamp Portugal MDE 2022

The light of Lisbon is unique, raine or shine. Modern and ancient with an intense cultural life, this charming capital with 800 years old is open to the world. It was here where Fado music was born, which reflects the Portuguese sould.

Lisboa 3
Lisboa 4